Thursday, January 10, 2019

January 10 - What size is that?

Today, I decided to spend a little extra time at home studying rather than going to the cultural event.  They went to the Archive of the Indies and I have been a number of times.  It is a really good chance to practice speaking and listening, so if I can get myself together, I will try to go next week.  Since I will be here alone all next week, I will probably be desperate by Thursday to have somewhere to go...or maybe not.

It is still cool here, but the signs of spring in the city are starting to come out.  Not the natural signs of flowers blooming or birds - they never left.  Instead, the fair dresses which are always out in some stores are now showing up in more and more places.

I have just one thing to ask.... who in there right mind wants to see these skinny little dresses everywhere less than one week after Three King's Day with it's 90 tons of candy?  I mean, what size is that dress?  I assure you that the people I see on the streets are all different shapes and sizes - even without the "Christmas Expansion" that so many of us have undergone.  

In other news, the city has been taking down lights all over, they were dismantling the king's crowns today and I saw a number of cranes collecting overhead lights.  It took a long time to get them all up, but it appears that the take down will be much faster.

I am really loving my new Spanish class, but it requires some serious out of class time and it also requires me to be really on top of things during class.  So, by the time I get home in the evenings, I am exhausted.  There is barely enough energy left for dinner and blogging.  I have tried to replace most of my screen time with Spanish shows - but after school Albert and I have been watching the Marvelous Mrs. Maizel - in English.  I try to read at least a couple of chapters of something in Spanish (I am working my way through Beverly Cleary... not yet ready for adult texts in Spanish), but at night it is mostly back to mindless English fiction.  

Tomorrow after class, we are going out to dinner with one of Albert's old classmates and then Rachel is scheduled to come in on the late train...then a much anticipated weekend!