Wednesday, June 13, 2018

June 13 - A Day in Capitol Reef

Well after a full day of hiking and scenic driving through Capitol Reef national park, we left the refried beans and tortillas in the cooler and went out to eat.  Up until now, every meal on the road has come from the food we brought with us from Walla Walla.  Now don't get me wrong, I like peanut butter and jelly, tunafish, hot dogs, refried beans, and powerbars as much as the next guy, but it was nice to sit down inside and have dinner come to us.  I have never been so happy to eat green beans.

The hiking today was awesome.  Sadly, it is hard to capture the magnitude of the canyons and rock formations and the deep blue of the sky.  So, I have included below a picture with Albert standing at the base of a canyon wall (yes that is him at the tip of the arrow) for context. 

We also managed to see a number of petroglyphs.  Nobody really knows what they mean (there are lots of theories but not corroboration).  My theory is that this one means, "I have an idea."

I prefer ideas like "Let's go out to dinner" to ideas like "Let's hike 9 miles in 98 degree weather", but both turned out ok.  And, I think they were both my ideas...

Tomorrow, we are off to Colorado.