Sunday, June 24, 2018

June 24 - The Villages to Miami

We left Mom, Tom, and The Villages this morning and headed south.

We stopped off in Indiantown to visit Marilyn and Lew and cat Merlin.  They were celebrating their 46th wedding anniversary and to celebrate, they made us a wonderful turkey and stuffing lunch.  I am pretty sure we got the best end of that deal.  In addition to the great lunch, we shared stories.  To be fair, theirs were much more interesting (some involved being escorted by machine gun).  Although we had some bumps and bruises along the way to get our visas for Spain for the year, at least we were never detained for 8 hours and strip searched - yikes!!

After a few hours in Indiantown, we made our way down to Miami.  We got a quick tour of Rachel's new digs and then went out for a late (by our standards  - not by Spain standards) dinner.  We did a little catching up before dropping Rachel back off at her place.

Albert and I spent some time walking around the University of Miami campus (after the turkey lunch and eating out with Rachel, we had plenty of fuel to burn.)  It is hard to believe that it was nearly six years ago that my mom and Rachel and I visited the UM campus for the first time.

Now Albert and I are tucked in to our hotel for the night - tomorrow - Key West.