Wednesday, June 12, 2019

June 12 - Moroccan Spices

This morning, Albert and the Gruchot's headed out early for their trip to Gibraltar.  I stayed back and did laundry, homework, shopping, and cooking and then went to class.

After class, I came home and finished up dinner.  Knowing that the group would be able to see Africa today but not actually go - I decided to try to bring Africa to them.  I used some of the spices that I bought in Morocco when Albert and I went to spice some vegetable couscous and Tangine chicken.  It is not a spice palette that I like very much, but Albert does and so do the Gruchots. 

After dinner and some chatting, we headed out for helado and then a quick trip on to the bridge to see the city lights. 

While we were there, we took a selfie.... ok, to be fair, my arms are not long enough to take a traditional selfie with 6 people - so this is the best I could do.

We also spent some time trying to decide if the tower looked more like a tube of lipstick or a tower fan.  I think the real problem for me is how out of place it is.  If this was a city full of tall buildings, this particular tower would not stick out as being particularly beautiful nor ugly.  But with only one tall building, it seems very out of place.

Tomorrow, we are planning to go and see the Plaza de Espana - it will be the last day in Sevilla for the Gruchot family.