Sunday, July 15, 2018

July 15 - Getting Ready for Next Week and a Long Walk

This morning there was an athletic event held near our house.  It involved a 2.5 km run, a 600 or 1000 m swim (depending on the group), and another 2.5 km run.  We went out and watched some of it. 
The Start
The Transition

The Swim

The Finish

I would like to say it inspired me to get out and do some serious exercise, but alas - that was not the case.  In fact, after watching for a while, I went back in and basically stayed in the apartment most of the day (doing laundry, cooking, eating, reading, doing HOURS of Spanish...) until I was finally feeling so gross, I went out for a long walk.  Albert and I walked together for a couple of miles (then he headed back on a bike from one of the many stations around town) and I continued on walking for a total of about 8 miles.   Although I have covered many miles, each day I come upon something new and interesting.  Here are a few shots from today's walk. 

I realized while writing this that my Spanish and my walking are very similar.  I invest a lot of time and my progress is slow.   But, I also enjoy both very much.  Tomorrow to the bank to try to pay our "registration tax"  - fingers crossed.