Thursday, July 19, 2018

July 19 - First Package

We got our first package today.  It was a new tripod that Albert ordered for his phone, and the delivery required only a short (thankfully not complicated) exchange with the delivery guy.  WooHoo!
This afternoon, we went to the Immigration Office to apply for our residency cards.  It was relatively quick and totally painless - all of the preparation paid off.  Now we just wait until then end of August to go back and pick them up.  

After our appointment, Albert rode home and I walked to school.  

My teacher is convinced that she can't learn math.  I offered an Intercambio - where I taught her math and she taught me Spanish, but as she doesn't actually have any interest in learning math, it was not an enticing offer for her.  It continues to be an interesting class.  The teacher does not speak English, so even though everyone else in the class does (although not all as their first language), everything happens in Spanish.  The Russian woman and her family are going to the Bull Fights tonight - I am interested to hear what she thinks.  The younger four students go to the bars together (and with a few students from another class) almost every night, I don't really need to hear about that.  One of them is leaving after this week.  So, six of us are returning.  I am not sure if any new students will join the class next Monday or not.

After school and dinner, Albert and I went out for Chocolate with Churros.  With weather today in the 90's, most people looking for a nice dessert this evening were opting for gelato.  Since we know that anything below 100 is not actually hot, we were good with a warm cup of chocolate sauce and hot churros straight from the fryer. 

We finished eating at about 10:30pm; the street cafes were still full of people and the bars were just getting started - it is Thursday night after all.  With the new energy burst from our dessert - we set out to take a few night photos with Albert's new tripod.  I took a few of my own - just pointing and clicking, but mostly I just enjoyed the lovely breeze and the bustle of nightlife going on all around us.
Then it was time to head home.