Monday, March 11, 2019

March 11 - Busy Streets

Today we got another new student in class - also three of the existing students have changed the days of the week that they attend so now we will have 3-5 students every day instead of lots of students on three days and only me on Tuesdays and Thursdays.  I think that it is better, but it means that no two days have the same students.  The poor teacher.  I am the only one of the seven students who comes every day. 

After class, I went to Carrefour to pick up a few things that are not available at our local grocery store. 

There were LOTS of people out.  The temperatures hit the low 80's today, so part of it may have just been people out enjoying the nice evening.

I did notice when I passed that one of the large Cathedral doors was open (it is usually closed) with a number of people going in - I looked it up later and it was a special Lent event for all of the brotherhoods in Sevilla.  I guess that explains part of the crowd.

There were lots of buskers out playing music, painting, doing chalk art on the sidewalk,.... I liked this chalk art that was leftover from the International Women's Day on Friday.

Just past the Cathedral, I caught the metro over to the Carrefour neighborhood - much less crowded there.

I finished shopping, caught the metro back to our neighborhood and walked home.  It was about 10pm.  I put together the chicken chili for tomorrow ate a quick dinner and am about to call it a night.