Wednesday, March 6, 2019

March 6 - Big Class

This morning started out with pouring down rain - something we have not had much of since fall.  Once it stopped,  Albert and I headed out to the store and enjoyed the city fresh from the morning rinse.

I spent some time working on my homework although I was pretty sure we would not go over it today in class - I didn't want it to pile up.  I was right on both counts.  We had 6 students today so, of course, we did not spend time on assignments that only I had done.  It was a fun class - it is definitely more lively with 6 students than when I am alone.  The teacher let me know during the break that I would be alone again tomorrow unless something unforeseen happened (like a student from the morning needing to make up a class).  I am a little surprised that they don't just have me go to a lower level class for one day - but, it sounds like I will likely be having another 3 hour private class tomorrow.  So in preparation, the teacher gave me another three pages of assignments for tonight's homework to prepare.

Yesterday during class we talked a little about Carnival (in Spain and around the world) and how Fat Tuesday (Mardi Gras) is or is not celebrated.  Today is Ash Wednesday, the first day of Lent and all of the churches had special hours to dispense ashes.  There were parades of school children going from their catholic schools to their associated parishes to get their ashes.  

Interestingly to me, they don't talk about Easter much here as a stand-alone day - instead all discussion revolves around the full Holy Week.  They all talk about Holy Week being on April 14th.  I guess when your vision of Easter is the week of crowded streets and dozens of processions instead of the big rabbit with baskets full of eggs and chocolates, it is not too surprising that you talk about the holiday differently.