Thursday, March 7, 2019

March 7 - Costco

Spent the morning getting all of my homework done so we could take a "quick" trip to costco.  With walking to and from bus stops, riding the bus, and shopping - the whole affair takes about two and a half hours.  So - we don't go too often.  Of course, when we go, we also have to limit our purchases to things we can carry to/from/on the bus.  After shopping, we were hanging out at the bus stop waiting for the bus back into the city and I noticed these guys "hanging out" as well.

After costco, we had just enough time for a late lunch and quick review before heading off to class.  It was just me again today.  It is great to have a 3 hour private class, intense, but good.

After class, I took a slightly different route home.  Since we had gone to costco, we hadn't done any "regular" shopping today.  So, I stopped of at the market closest to my route home and picked up a few things.  On my way, I noticed these young ladies doing a photo shoot on the temporary red carpet taped on the ground in front of a shop.

Tomorrow we should have a larger class again (lots of MWF students) - we are also having a small celebration for my teacher's birthday.  So, tomorrow morning, I will try to bake something.