My class was good - but we spent nearly the last hour with me answering questions about the United States - luckily the questions were pretty easy (and non-controversial). One student was mostly interested in what it would take to visit Area 51 in Nevada.
After class, I walked a little and stopped off to buy a couple of things at the market before heading over to intercambio. I had shared a few cookies with my class and the professors and brought the rest with me to intercambio. Due to the great weather, this week we moved back out to the patio (we had been inside since winter) - it was a pretty large and lively group. They finished off the cookies.
At around 10, I headed out toward home. On the bridge, I passed another group of men, castarelos, out preparing for Semana Santa - carrying a weighted frame that mimics the paso that they will be carrying for hours during their procession.
After a quick dinner, I am heading off to bed. Lots of homework tomorrow morning!