Tuesday, March 12, 2019

March 12 - Short Post

This morning I spent a couple of hours making travel plans - the trip back to the US and our Easter trip to Budapest are done - lots of travel details for the time after we return to the US and for a few other short trips while we are here are still just sketches on the drawing board.

My travel planning left me scurrying a little to get ready for class.  Another new student today - he may even come five days a week....

After class, I walked a little and then went to intercambio.  I captured a photo of the teacher toward the end - she had been cleaning up a little - she doesn't even drink beer, but I liked the photo anyway.

After intercambio, I walked for about and hour and then came home and had a quick dinner.

One of the students from our Morocco trip sent me this photo of our group on the camel rides.... ah memories.