Wednesday, March 27, 2019

March 26 - The Camel Group Lives On

Today was pretty normal, homework, class, intercambio, store, cooking....

I did notice this chocolate hen at the grocery store with the picture of a rabbit stealing eggs.  I understand the logic of the hen and the eggs - but I stand by my position that it is more fun to eat a chocolate bunny.

I have exchanged messages with one of the girls from our trip to Morocco.  Today, she sent a picture of the five of us from our camel riding group on the beach before our ride.  She also noted that one of the pictures of our group on camel back made it into her college (Texas Lutheran) study abroad pamphlet.  Yikes!  Last weekend we saw one of the other students from the trip walking downtown.  Lots of them are in the midst of midterms and getting excited about their week off for Holy Week.  It is fun to see them all enjoying their semester abroad.