Wednesday, March 27, 2019

March 27 - Another Quiet Day

Class was pretty interesting today.  We did spend the last half hour playing a game "Synonyms and Antonyms" was entirely too hard for me.  I am lucky if I can come up with any word to say what I want to say - coming up with synonyms (and of difficult words like emission - I can barely come up with any in English) was crazy.  But it was an interesting way to try to stretch our vocabularies a bit.

The office at school was pretty quiet today.  The guy who owns the school is moving to Germany tomorrow with his family.  He doesn't come in to the school that often, instead doing most of his communication with the staff electronically or by phone, but he does usually come in on Mondays when it is busy with the week's new students and of course if there is a problem (like when the school was robbed a few weeks ago).  The school has a great group of teachers and admin staff, so I am sure the normal day to day stuff will be good, but I am also sure that they appreciate every non-eventful day they can get.
After school, I walked around a bit enjoying the warm evening.  I noticed a few fun things.  

It seems every person (and there are thousands of them) that is participating in one of the processions during Holy Week will be wearing some special outfit.  There are displays all over the city for the robes, capes and cone shaped head gear for the Nazarenes as well as band uniforms and on and on.  Today I noticed this store that had about 25 different types and sizes of white gloves.  One variety had a different price for each of the dozen or so sizes - seems unnecessarily complicated but I guess if your neighbor needs one more square inch of fabric in their gloves they should have to pay that extra 5 cents...?

Of course, you can spend as much as you like on Easter wear, even if you aren't in a procession.  I like these toddler/baby dresses complete with bonnet for only a couple hundred bucks - 

Of course, you may also want to dress the dolls or statues in your home as well - not to worry, we have a store for that.

It is probably good that we are only going to be here for the first half of Holy Week.  If the preparations are any indication - it is going to be a circus.

I finally finished all of our plans for things to do while in Barcelona for the weekend.  Since we finally lose our hour Saturday night, I didn't plan anything for early Sunday morning.  (our clocks haven't sprung ahead yet like in the US).

Last weekend we were able to watch a little of the NCAA basketball tournament, but from here on out all of the games are going to be on in the evening in the US which means wee hours of the morning for us - so we will just be checking scores in the mornings.  And now, the countdown for the start of the baseball season is on!