The Plaza San Francisco is almost back to normal - probably within the next couple of days. Considering it took them a month to set it up - the takedown has been pretty fast.
I walk - a lot. So it is not surprising with the miles a day that I put on my sneakers that they are ready to be replaced. I had hoped to make it to the end of our stay with the idea that I would just leave them here and buy a new pair when I got to the US, but they now both have holes. When my socks match the shoes - you can barely see them, but when they don't.... ugh.
So, I finally gave in and bought an inexpensive pair from Amazon. They came today. I braved the wind and rain to get to the Amazon drop box in the parking garage of the mall. While I was at the mall, I took a short break from the weather and walked around one of the stores. For less than 3 dollars, I could have gotten a Miami T-shirt, but I decided against it - even though I like the clarification that Florida is a state.
The walk home was even colder and rainier. I came straight in and changed into my pajamas. Luckily, it is supposed to clear up overnight and then start to gradually get warmer again with temperatures in the eighties by the weekend.
I spent the rest of the evening making travel plans for the trip home. I cannot believe that we are already nearly at the end of April. Where has the year gone.