Friday, January 25, 2019

January 25 - My Kind of Winter

This morning I woke up a little late, but mostly felt like I was back on Spain time.  After nearly a week without class and not nearly enough studying, I spent quite a few hours today studying and working on exercises to try to be prepared for class this afternoon.

There were only three students, and the class was pretty intense.  The only thing that saved me was that we did a lot of grammar (whew - my one small strength). 

After class, I took a meandering walk home.  It was 68 degrees today and after the COLD this week in the US, I was particularly appreciative.  One of the many stores that I pass regularly when walking home from class is a tailor who makes clothing for priests (vestments, chasubles, stoles, ...) that are very fancy.  Today, he was using a bobbin machine to measure out some beautiful gold thread - I have a feeling that this same machine has probably been used for exactly the same thing for a LONG time.

After dinner, I went to take out the trash and take another short walk.  It was still nice but a little cooler.  That made it easier to avoid the temptation to buy a gelato from the new gelato store down the street and come home and make hot cocoa instead. 

Tonight a little more Spanish.  Tomorrow, I need to get some groceries in before Albert gets home on Sunday (yay!).  And, hopefully another big Spanish day.