This morning, I headed out to pick up a few last minute things at the store since the stores closed early today and will be closed all day tomorrow. It was so warm, I didn't even need a jacket. This is my kind of Christmas weather. The store was an absolute zoo. There were so many people, it was difficult to even navigate up and down the isles. Luckily everyone seemed to be in a good mood. My cashier was even singing Christmas carols throughout the transaction. The fish market folks were busy, and the cashiers were busy, and the produce folks were busy, and the bakery people were busy,....but nobody was as busy as the ham carvers. The line of people waiting to get some (incredibly thin) slices of ham stretched for a long way... and the two carvers were working nonstop.

After my trip to the grocery store, I came home and unpacked and headed out to the produce market to get some jalapenos to add to tonight's soup. Albert and the girls were at home working and Ric and Kathy were out souvenir hunting. We all met up at home at a little before two and headed out to lunch.
We had a reservation at a nice restaurant that serves Spanish fusion. The food was good, and it was nice just to be out together.
After lunch we split up again. I took a walk around the city and picked up some maple syrup, which is only available in a couple of specialty stores, for tomorrow's breakfast . Then I headed over to Primark where I met Albert and the girls. Each girl picked out a
small Christmas gift for themselves. Our real gifts to the girls (and to ourselves) were the girls' trips to Spain.
With all of the shopping done and hopefully all the employees headed home to their own families - we all met up at our house. I cooked Chicken tortilla soup, chicken tacos, and veggie tacos.
After dinner, Albert and I walked the trash out. Every cafe was closed and the street was nearly empty. For a warm, beautiful evening at 9 pm, this was kind of eerie - on any other night it would have been a hive of activity. I will say though, that we were not sad about the missing smoke from the chestnut roaster and the incense salesman.
Our normal tradition on Christmas eve is to drive to the mountains and go sledding. Of course it was in the high 60's today, so we have taken a year off on the sledding. Then, we usually would come home from sledding, eat dinner, and watch a Christmas movie. Occasionally we watch a classic, but mostly, we try to watch something new. This often means that we watch something terrible... and this year was no different. But also like in years past, it was mostly nice just to have everyone together. After the movie, Kathy and Ric headed back to their flat next door. They will be back in the morning for Christmas breakfast.
Now, one final thought before I sign out for the night... I love having my family here. I love that Christmas gives us an excuse to put away our regular lives for a few days and just be together. I intend to savor and enjoy every moment, and I am extraordinarily grateful. "Happy Christmas to all and to all a good night."