Wednesday, December 12, 2018

December 12 - Keeping Things Moving

Today, while I was in class, Rachel and Taylor landed in Sevilla after flying overnight from Miami.  Albert met them at the airport and they all arrived home about a half an hour after I did - I was able to squeeze in a little Spanish homework before they arrived..

They settled in - they didn't bring much since they just had carry-on luggage, just the necessities.

Hoping to adjust more quickly to the time change, they decided to try to stay up until at least 9:30.  So we set out almost immediately for a late lunch (welcome to Spain and the 2:30 lunch time).  Then, we walked all over the city while Albert went off to class - just keep moving.

We visited the nativities of the world exhibit - no line today.  It is amazingly elaborate and even has light that fades from day to night.
Some more walking and then we visited the waffle structure and took in some great views of the city.  Rachel was armed with her new lens - so she experimented with a number of shots - I am sure that some of her worst photos are better than my best.... but I keep pointing and clicking and keeping track of our time here.

Next, even more walking and a visit to the grocery store.  At this point they had been going for A LOT of hours.  So, I went up and started dinner while they hit a cafe for coffee/tea.  After dinner, we did some planning for activities for the next couple of days that require tickets and finally showers and bed.... they made it until 10:30!  Hopefully, they will get a good night of sleep and be ready for their full day of Sevilla adventures tomorrow.

For me, some late night homework and off for my own night of sleep.