Monday, December 3, 2018

December 3 - Breaking in the New Dishes

This morning, I used one of the new Pyrex baking dishes that the landlord brought over to bake a pan of brownies with a caramel pecan praline topping.  One of the teachers that I really like at the school had a birthday yesterday, and I decided to bring treats today to celebrate.  Turns out they were a big hit....

This evening I used the new salad bowl for our dinner salad - a delicious way to use up some of the carrots, broccoli, tomatoes, onions, and cucumber from the fridge.

On my way home from school today, I noticed a crew setting up a large crown in one of the squares - I am seriously amazed at the number and size of the displays throughout the city.  I am also seriously amazed at the coats and hats that everyone is wearing since it was nearly 70 degrees when I took this picture. 

On my walk this evening, I realized that as much as I like Christmas lights (and I do), some of the stores and restaurants have too many even for me.  There is a building just over the bridge that is basically covered on one side with curtains of white lights and on the other with curtains of red lights.  It looks like the building is bleeding.  The restaurant on our side of the bridge also has the white light curtains.  It feels less like Christmas and more like an attempt to be visible from space.  But, at least it the city is well lit when I walk after dark, and if I had to choose between too many and none - I would always choose - too many.