In the USA it seems that stores are having sales all the time - President's Day Sales, Memorial Day Sales, .... and on and on. In Spain there are certainly some sales that happen right before Christmas - but they are small compared to the two big "end of season" sales that happen throughout Spain every January and July. The January rebejas (sales) start on the day after Three King's Day and last for about two months. If stores cut prices after the initial sale prices from January 7 - they let the public know by announcing that they are on the second (or third) rebejas .... Many stores in Sevilla are still on their first rebajas - but the second and thirds are starting to appear in store windows. Since we are leaving in the first day or two of July - this is our last chance for the big sales. But - I don't really need anything - so mostly I just check out the windows as I walk.

Class today was really good. I did a lot of work between yesterday's really hard class and today's class - and it paid off. But after class, I was spent. So, except for making dinner, I mostly took a break after class today. Albert and I did make it down to the gelato shop for a quick treat after dinner.
Tonight the plan is to watch a little Whitman athletics (Tennis for sure at 11pm...probably not basketball since it starts at 3am and I am tired but we will see). Then tomorrow evening, I have a W-Club meeting via computer.