Thursday, February 7, 2019

February 7 - What Happened to that Room Full of Computers?

This morning, I finished up my homework.  I had to write a short paper.  I am not fast at the textbook style exercises, but I am really slow at this type of assignment.  In the end, it turned out ok.  I am definitely starting to use more complex grammatical structures and my vocabulary is improving - I just wish I could do it in real time  - that is to say, at the speed that normal people talk.

I left home at about 1:30 to attend the cultural event before class.  Today's event was a "tour" that highlighted the stories and legends of the Santa Cruz neighborhood.  The teacher really pushes for an interactive experience (ie not just listening, but speaking, writing, and reading as well).  There were a few really beginner students and a few basically fluent students (who are just brushing up) and a few of us in the middle.  I personally find reading, writing, listening, and talking with this very mixed group while navigating the narrow streets - too stressful.  I really like the woman who leads these, but I don't feel like I am getting much out of the activities.  I am not sure if I will go back next week....

On the other hand, we did see lots of interesting things....the orange tree growing out of the side of a palm tree, the crosses built into the side of a building, some interesting plaques, decorative squares, narrow streets, and romantic balconies...

And of course the curved corner stops to discourage drunks from urinating in the corners...

Back at school, there were only two students in my class again.  Class was difficult, but I enjoyed it very much.  However, about 20 minutes into class, one of the other teachers burst into our small class to let the teacher know that someone had just stolen all of the laptops (they had just been set up this week) out of a classroom.  They had a camera in the room, and when the police came they figured out by showing the thief's picture around that he had entered through the gym behind the school.  I guess there have been other burglaries in the building recently and there is some evidence that it was the same guy.  Nobody seemed too optimistic that they would catch the guy nor retrieve the laptops....  With the news, we only stopped class for a few minutes and then our break lasted about 5 minutes longer than normal as the teachers all met with the police - but all things considered, it didn't seem to affect people much.  I think property crimes are pretty common in Spain - but, of course, since nobody has guns - violent crimes are much less common.