Friday, February 22, 2019

February 22 - Preparing for Spring

This morning, I made a large pot (well actually two pots because it wouldn't all fit into any of the pots I have here) of vegetable soup.  We are almost beyond soup weather as the temperatures continue to creep up.

The work on the building next door continues, it seems that the demolition phase may be done.  They have put up scaffolding and begun working outside and there are regular trucks on the small road picking up loads of debris and dropping off supplies (tiles, cement, ....).  When you walk past and look inside, it still looks like a disaster area, but there is a lot of activity.

Class was fun today.  There were two students and the other student had lots of great stories about her new dog- so we did some grammar, and I did talk some - but I also did a lot of listening. 

After class, I hustled home so that Albert and I could get back out to the movie theater in time for the 8:15 showing of "Green Book".  It was in English with Spanish subtitles.  My intention was to really concentrate on the subtitles, but my concentration was not great and mostly I just enjoyed the movie in English. 

In Sevilla right now, there are lots of signs of spring.  The orange trees are bursting, the temperatures are consistently warm, every seamstress in the city is working nonstop to get all of the dresses ready for the fair (a huge number of women buy or revamp a flamenco dress for the city fair each year- all of the teachers in my school for example are having them made),  all of the folks who participate in the Easter processions are getting their clothes ready, they have started to decorate the fairgrounds, and on and on....

This evening on my walk after the movie, I came across a group of men practicing for the procession.  They had a frame for a Paseo that was undecorated with a speaker strapped to the top playing the band music and beats, they were practicing picking it up, putting it down, walking, turning corners, doing the swaying moves that we have witnessed, and so on.  It is amazing to think about how many hours go into preparing for these Easter processions.  According to my teacher, most of the bands, for example, have been practicing pretty regularly since the new year.  I must say, that the carrying job does not look fun even when you are not stuck in the dark underside of a heavy Paseo - but this has been going on for a LOT of years, so I am sure there are guys who can't wait to be old enough to take part.

The plan tomorrow is to finish our taxes and spend some quality time outside - it is supposed to be sunny and in the high seventies.