Monday, February 25, 2019

February 25 - Another Kitchen Experiment

This morning was pretty mellow.   We did a small grocery run and did the basic morning things but nothing special.

After class, I walked over to my favorite bookstore just to look around a little.

On the way there, I passed a shop where a guy sits out front embroidering messages onto shirts, aprons, .... while you wait.  This is one of the samples that was hanging by the door today.  "Born for love but forced to cook."  Since I love to cook, I can't really relate.

Lots of musicians out today - some guitarists, a cello player, and two accordions - just on my short walk.  This dog is always out "helping" the accordion player collect tips.

After the bookstore, I stopped off in the big department/grocery store looking for a couple of items that we don't have in our regular grocery.  Sadly, they didn't have them either - so, a trip to Carrefour is probably in my near future.

After dinner, I made some homemade caramel and then used it in these "Oatmeal, Chocolate, Caramel" layer bars.  The idea is that they will set overnight and I will be able to take them to intercambio tomorrow.
Who knows what they actually taste like - but I am cautiously optimistic.