Sunday, February 24, 2019

February 24 - Spanish in the Springtime

It was beautiful and sunny with temperatures in the high 70's - the perfect day to work inside for hours on my Spanish homework. 

It wasn't exactly the plan.  After a couple of hours of homework, cooking and eating lunch, and a couple of more hours of homework - I decided to take a break and go out for a long walk.  People were out taking full advantage of the unusual weather.  Lots of folks eating or having afternoon drinks at outdoor cafes, people out walking dogs, fishermen
tourists on the top deck of the bus,

and bike riders of all types (longdistance riders, recreational riders, racers out on training rides...).  

Every time I look at the pictures of the snow coming down in Walla Walla, I am thankful to be here. 

I like this sign (minus the graffiti, of course) which gives the hours of one of the parks but that as a side benefit also explains that there are only two seasons in Sevilla - Summer and Winter (or as I like to call them Summer and not-Summer).  Summer lasts from April 1-October 31 and not-Summer lasts from November 1- March 31.

With a few hours after my walk, I was able to finish my homework and do the studying that I wanted to do before class tomorrow.  Tomorrow morning I may review a couple of things - but it is nice to have all of the hard work done before I go to bed.

Thursday is a holiday this week (The Day of Andalucia) and we are leaving Friday morning for a long weekend in Africa.  So, a short week to finish off February - YIKES - time is flying.