Tuesday, February 12, 2019

February 12 - Is that a Sumo Wrestler Costume?

I am always exhausted on Tuesday nights.  I leave for school at around 3:30 and then don't get home until around 10:30 (after class and intercambio), have a quick dinner, maybe read a little and go to bed.

Tonight will be no different.  I did some Spanish this morning and finished reading Mouse and the Motorcycle (in Spanish) and watched a half hour sitcom in Spanish - then took a break for a couple of hours to do our taxes with Albert's help collecting electronic copies of documents.  I haven't submitted them yet, but they are close.

Then off to school - with classes of only two students yesterday and today, I felt like my head was going to explode after three hours of class. But, I feel like I am making pretty good progress this week. 

Then after my class, my partner messaged me that he was going to be a few minutes late to intercambio.  So, I took the opportunity to walk for about 45 minutes between class and intercambio.

With the seriously warm weather, lots of people are out and about.  Some of dogs are even out without sweaters.  Seems like all the strollers still have sleeping bag attachments though.

It is almost Valentine's Day, which is not a big celebration here - mostly, like Halloween, it is a borrowed excuse for a celebration.  Speaking of Halloween, there are at least two (that I know of) year round costume stores here.  I never see people out and about in costumes, maybe themed parties?  Carnival?  Not sure... how do they stay in business?

Today, I also found a store that sells the figures for your nativity year round.  Of course they also sell models of the paseos (floats) that get carried through the streets during Holy Week before Easter....again, hard to believe there is a year round market - but then again, we have stores that sell only batteries and lightbulbs in the US.

After my walk, it was time to get to intercambio.  My partner and I arrived at just about the same time and spent the next two hours practicing - me in Spanish and he in English.  Of course we also talked to some of the other 20 or so people that were there.  

Now I am home, have eaten and read a little and am about ready to wrap it up and head to bed.  Tomorrow, there are supposed to be four people in class - hopefully everyone makes it.