Friday, February 8, 2019

February 8 - Sweet Friday

Holy Cow - another week in the books.  I can't believe how fast time is flying. 

This morning I made some caramel, roasted some pecans, and then baked some brownies with caramel pecan topping- it has been a while since I brought treats to class, and everyone was very appreciative.  Since I knew there would only be two other students in my class today, I only brought a dozen brownies (one for each teacher, one for each student, and a couple of extras).  They were gone quickly, and another dozen probably still wouldn't have been too many if I had brought them...which I should have.  Because now it is the weekend, and we have a dozen brownies tempting us.

After class, I took the metro across the bridge to the Carrefour to pick up a couple of things (like pepperoni) that I can't get anywhere else.  While I was there, I picked up everything to make a pineapple upside down cake for Albert.  (Even found a small jar of cherries to decorate the pineapple rings.)  The original idea was to make a pineapple upside down cake for his birthday tomorrow, but with the brownies and the milk duds that Kathy sent for his birthday, I think we have plenty of dessert for a while.  Maybe in a week or so....

I have a couple of small things for Albert's birthday, but all in all I expect it will be a pretty quiet day.