Thursday, February 21, 2019

February 21 - Another Goodbye

Today, I decided against attending the cultural event.  Instead I worked at home right up until time to go to school.  I did make chicken tacos that turned out to be pretty tasty - with enough leftover chicken to top Albert's dinner salad.

I also received a series of messages from my previous teacher from her new home in Australia.  She is learning English, but all of our messages were in Spanish.  Easier for her, better for me.  It was really nice to hear from her and to know that she is doing well.

Today there were only two students in class - me and a young woman from Italy who has been in my classes since before Christmas - with Lucia (the teacher who is now in Australia), with Carmen, and now with Beli.  Today was her last day.  I will miss her.  We have each other's contact information, of course, but I will miss seeing her in class each day.
Also sad was the fact that she was only in the first half of class - she left at the break.  That left me alone in class.  We had done a pretty intense 90 minutes of grammar the first half; so for the last 90 minutes, the teacher and I "just" had a Spanish conversation.  It was probably good for me, but it was not easy. 

Tomorrow, I think that there will be one other student - then we should be back up to at least three on Monday next week.  Either next week or the week after, some new students are supposed to join.  I hope that they actually come, because I am afraid that they will cancel the class if we are averaging less than 3 students per day.

After class, I walked for a bit and then went to pick up a few things at the store before coming home and then heading right back out to another store with Albert.  Now, I am in for the night.  Luckily, I don't have too much homework.