Thursday, February 14, 2019

February 14 - Happy Valentine's Day

The candy shops, gift shops, jewelry stores, florists, and restaurants had subtle reminders that today was the day of Saint Valentine.  Although many folks may think of this as just the first retail holiday of 2019, I like it.  Albert and I don't go out to eat or exchange sweets or flowers or other gifts, but I like the idea that lots of people across the world think today is just a little special. 

In order to do my part, I made two pineapple cakes this morning - one for Albert and one for school.  Since I don't really have the tools to make a pineapple upside down cake like I would at home, I just made them and flipped them one piece at a time as I was serving instead of all at once.  The fun presentation was lost, but they turned out moist (thanks to some sour cream from the Russian grocer and some homemade buttermilk) and tasted approximately like I was hoping.  The teachers and my classmates ate every piece.  Knowing that I would not be able to flip them, I took a couple of quick photos before I poured in the batter....

I left home at about 1:30 to attend the cultural event.  We went to the Museum of Fine Arts (which I have been to a few times before) - but today, we visited the special Murillo exhibit which had not been there when I visited before.  Sevilla is celebrating the 400th birthday of this famous painter.  The special exhibit contains 105 of his works that have been borrowed from churches and museums and private collections worldwide where they are usually housed.  He is most famous for his religious paintings, but I prefer his paintings of street people.  My real success today was that I actually used the Spanish language program to read about the works of art as we went through the exhibit.
After the museum, I went back to class.  I don't know why exactly, but I was a disaster today - thank goodness we spent some time going over homework (which I had done) so that I had a little time to get warmed up, but I never did feel like I was in a groove today.  Every exercise was a struggle.

When I got home tonight, I ate dinner and read a little, but took a break from homework.  Of course that means I will have more tomorrow, but it was good to have a little break and I think I will be better off because of it.