Monday, May 13, 2019

May 13 - Goodbye Juli

This morning, I really tried to minimize my time out of the apartment.  I was recovering from a couple of days of really bad allergies that flare up every time I go outside.  I did make it to the store with Albert, but once I was back in the apartment, I didn't make it back out with Juli to try one more tapa at one of the restaurants around the corner.

Juli was very productive on her last morning here.  She packed, washed a load of laundry that included her sheets and towels, swept her room, and went out to try one last Sevilla tapa - all before going to the corner to catch her Uber to the train station.  My yelp review for her as a house guest would be 5/5 stars!!!  I did at least go out to see her off.

It has been so fun having guests the last couple of weeks - getting to show off our city to Marge and exploring all kinds of new places with Juli.  It was nice to have someone who loves seafood as much as me to try new dishes.  I am just sorry that because of the fair, the bar across the street was closed most of the week and we didn't get to try the snails.  Albert and I have a few weeks of alone time now until our next guests in mid June.

Knowing that my teacher would be sad today with fair being over (her absolute favorite week of the year) - I made some homemade caramel, roasted some pecans, and made a pan of nutty, caramel, chocolate bars.  I didn't really have a recipe, but they turned out pretty good.  

Class was good today, we had four students who are all very fun and who work hard.  Between my class and the other professors, all of the bars that I brought to school were gone before the end of class.  I did leave some at home for Albert and I.

After class, I took the bus out to Costco.  I picked up a few things and made it home by a ten - then a light dinner.  Allergies are much better this evening - hoping that means a good night's sleep.  Tomorrow should be a pretty normal Tuesday,  I am looking forward to intercambio.