Tuesday, May 21, 2019

May 21 - Not Done Yet

This morning, Albert and I finally made some purchases.  We went back and forth a little before finally deciding to have them mailed home.  It is nice to not have to think about extra things in the suitcases and customs. 

Class was fun, but I was the only student and the reality is that a three hour private class is a lot of Spanish.  So, after class I went for a walk before intercambio.  My brain needed a rest before two more hours of Spanish.

They are constructing a portada and passage for the procession of Chorpus Christi (June 20) in the Plaza San Francisco - alas the Easter festivities seem to just keep coming.  With summer fast approaching, though,  this is one of the last big "daytime" events in Sevilla before it gets too hot.

In the next plaza over (Plaza Nueva) there is a book festival starting this weekend - they are doing the set up now.  With the craft fair next to the cathedral and the book fair in Plaza Nueva, it almost feels like a repeat of Christmas.

They are also setting up a stage next to the book fair - maybe there will be readings or something, I have not found a program yet.  For now it is just a place for kids to pretend that they are on stage performing.

I am not sure why, but the Sevilla philharmonic orchestra was set up outside Plaza Nueva and playing a concert - there were lots of people, but no chairs or anything - I am not sure why they were there but it was fun to stop and listen for a while.

After walking for about 45 minutes, I headed over to intercambio.  Today before our regular conversations started, we played a telephone game (one round in Spanish the next in English and back to Spanish).  I was seated between two students from Sevilla who were just beginners in English - we did ok, but it was hard.   

Tomorrow, we will be back to two (or maybe even three) students in class, I am looking forward to it.