Friday, May 3, 2019

May 3 - From Goulash to Calamari

This morning, after finishing my homework, Albert and I headed to the store to pick up a few staples and the things to make Goulash.

It turned out pretty good, but with temperatures hitting the 80's almost every day now, our days of soups and stews may be coming to an end. 

There were three students in class today, and we spent a good deal of time talking about the fair.  My teacher gave us each a fair guide and gave advice about when and where we should go to enjoy the fair.  Of course, her view may be a little one sided since she barely notices the horses that come and go during the day or the midway with games and rides and concentrates only on the "nighttime" fair that involves drinking, eating, drinking, dancing, and drinking (oh yeah and drinking).

When I returned home from class Diego's bar across the street was hopping.  Juli wanted to go try it out, but we could tell from our balcony that not only were there no tables but there were groups hanging around in the street to take whatever tables might become available.

So, when we went out later to take out the trash, we walked up and down the street a little and found a place to get a few tapas - the mushrooms were good, the pork with whiskey was also pretty good, but the calamari....mmmmmmmm.  

It has been really nice to catch up with Juli and to practice my Spanish with a forgiving conversation partner.