Saturday, May 18, 2019

May 18- Another Round of Elections

Albert and I bought a nice print the year we lived in Budapest that hangs in our home in Walla Walla and serves as a nice reminder of our time there fifteen years ago.  Our plan is to buy a piece of art from Sevilla as well.  With no big travel planned this weekend, we decided today was a good day to try to find a piece.

The art fair next to the cathedral was scheduled to be open this morning for a few hours and then again at 5:30 this evening.  With grocery shopping, laundry and cooking this morning, we put off shopping for art until this evening.

We headed out at a little after 5 o'clock.  There are lots of booths set up encouraging folks to vote in next weeks European Union elections.  There have been Sevilla, Andalucia, Spain, and now Europe elections this year - we will have seen them all in one year.

There are a couple of stores near the river in Triana that we decided to check first - but they were both closed.... so we headed over toward the cathedral.  Sadly the procession was just starting (after the coronation of one of the Virgin of Los Angeles) - so there were crowds and the craft folks were not open.

We tried one more shop with an artist that we like - it was also closed.  It was clearly not meant to be today....maybe we try again tomorrow.