Monday, May 20, 2019

May 20 - Late Night Baseball

Last night, the Whitman baseball team had what turned out to be their last game of the season in the NCAA tournament.  It started at midnight our time.  My plan was to watch the first hour or so and then go to bed.  Turns out it was a great game that ended in a heartbreaking loss with a walkoff run in the bottom of the ninth...  So, at a time when I clearly should have been sound asleep, I was watching college baseball on my computer. 

Today's class was very good - there were only two students and the other one is probably one of my favorites from the entire year.  Sadly, she is only in class a couple of days per week.  Tomorrow, unless a new student joins, I will be in class alone.

After class, I headed over to meet Albert at a bar downtown where there are two talks each tonight, tomorrow, and Wednesday on various math and science topics - it is part of a bigger three day international celebration of science.  The level of math in the talk was pretty low, but that made understanding the Spanish a little easier.

The weather was beautiful.  After the talk, we headed home for dinner and the plan is to make it an early night.