Wednesday, May 22, 2019

May 22 - Pint of Science Take 2

Two students in class today - we practiced lots of different constructions of passive voice and impersonal subjects.  It was interesting and really hard.  I have some homework, but I also need to go back and practice the things from class.... especially since I will have a three hour private class again tomorrow unless a new student shows up unexpectedly.

Things were pretty quiet in the city after class.  The square across from my school is sometimes really hopping at 7:30 when I finish, but today there were just a few tourists milling about.

I met Albert at 8:30 at the Bulebar for the last talk in the Pint of Science series.  It was a non-technical talk about statistics and big data.  The speaker spoke quite fast and interjected lots of one-liners - many of which I didn't get.  I followed the basic ideas, but I understood less than the talk on Monday.  There was a big crowd again.... lots of pints and lots of science.

On our way home, we stopped on the bridge for a couple of minutes to enjoy the dancing and music happening below at the foot of our side of the bridge.