Wednesday, May 15, 2019

May 15 - Summer Weather

It topped out at about 97 degrees today - now it is supposed to cool down with highs only in the 80s by this weekend.

We have used the air conditioner in the house a little and now we are starting to need it in class as well.  So, this morning, instead of trying out a new cookie or brownie recipe,  I experimented with some berries and made sorbet... delicious!

With Easter safely in the rear view, the churches are starting to plan for their summer and fall processions.  Unlike the crying virgin pasos of Semana Santa, these pasos carry the happy virgins with babies.  The procession in this flyer will happen the weekend we are in Bilbao.  But this Saturday, there will be a special procession following the coronation of the Virgin of the Angels (decreed by the pope).

My Spanish reading is getting better and when I am reading something short, I do ok with fairly complicated articles and poems and flowery language - but only if the reading is short because I am really slow.  If I am reading a book, I am not even to "Young Adult" level yet.  However, I just finished the last Beverly Cleary e-book available in Spanish from the Walla Walla public library - so, now I am trying to decide if I am ready for something a little more advanced.... I really want to read Don Quijote in Spanish - there are so many statues, decorations, and T-shirts around Sevilla celebrating Cervantes' most popular book that I am constantly reminded, but I think I am still pretty far from ready.  Of course, "In order to attain the impossible, one must attempt the absurd." (Cervantes) 

Today, I saw this wall decoration that I hadn't seen before.