On the weekend of June 8, large caravans of people will set off in wagons on foot and on horseback in flamenco dresses and suits playing drums and flutes and singing and dancing and eating and drinking from towns across southern Spain on a "pilgrimage" to the small town of Rocio (population about 700) - the caravan that leaves from Sevilla actually sets off from our neighborhood in Triana. These pilgrims will make the 80 kilometer journey (camping along the way) and then will celebrate with a religious event on Monday morning celebrating the local virgin. The participants have been preparing for this annual event since Easter. The store window down the street has a new "Rocio" display up to celebrate the coming pilgrimage.

The preparations continue for the armed forces day displays as well. Today, lots of progress (parts of a floating bridge and lots of small boats) near the Triana bridge. There are lots of smaller activities tomorrow and Friday, but the big military band concert is Friday night and the parade is Saturday - we will miss both since we are heading out Friday night for Italy.
Another 3 hours of "private" class today and lots of homework. I came home and did about two hours of studying tonight after class so that tomorrow morning I can finish up and maybe do some baking. Pretty sure that I will be alone in class again tomorrow, but Friday I definitely will have a classmate.