Tuesday, May 28, 2019

May 28 - Heat As Far As the Eye Can See

After a cool and rainy weekend in northern Spain, I was happy to be back in the warm south.  It is beautiful (and much greener) in the north, but the weather here is much better for me.  It was in the 90's today and is supposed to get into the 90's every day for the next week or so (although it should be cooler for us in Italy this weekend).

I spent some time really working on my Spanish this morning only taking breaks to cook and eat lunch and to finalize our plans for the weekend.  It is a good thing, because I was alone in class today.  It was a good, productive day in class - but as is always the case when I have a "private" three hour class, it was intense.

After class, and before intercambio, I took a nice walk around the city to check on a few things...

The scaffolding is pretty much finished being constructed on the front of the Giralda for the next preservation project.

The Corpus Cristi portada is coming along nicely.
The bleachers are starting to be erected for the Military Demonstrations for Armed Forces Day.

The last week of the Book Festival is in full swing with lots of "readings" and "signings".  Unlike the used book fair that occurs near Christmas, these are all booksellers of new books - some stalls represent small specialty shops and others large book chains and department stores.

All of the usual suspects were at intercambio.  

Then a nice night walk home in the cooler (low 80's) weather.  What a BEAUTIFUL city!