Friday, September 14, 2018

September 14 - Thunderstorms

This morning, I worked on Spanish for a while, watched a little Netflix in Spanish (can't wait til I don't need subtitles, but at least I have progressed to Spanish subtitles), and then headed off to school.

As the list of students (new and returning) changes each week, the poor receptionist spends a large part of Friday grouping and regrouping students and assigning teachers.  At the end of class, I found out that next week my old teacher will come back as my new teacher and my new teacher will move down and teach a beginning class.  I have no idea how big my group will be or exactly what the level will be; will I be holding on for dear life near the bottom or cruising at the top or (hopefully) hanging out in the middle? 

After school, I headed straight home.  We eat at home almost every meal - I like to cook and it is less expensive.  But Friday night, we almost always go out and the plan for tonight was to try out Iguanas Ramas.  On the way home, there were a few light clouds, but it was mostly sunny and warm,  the building across the street is sporting a new completed(?) paint job, and Diego's bar was just starting to set up for dinner.
I went up, dropped off my school bag, and Albert and I headed out toward the restaurant.  The sky was starting to darken and we checked the radar which didn't look great.  We made it as far as the bridge before the first few drops and cracks of thunder.  We headed back - with a refrigerator full of leftovers, we figured Iguanas Ramas could wait another day.
Just as we hit our flat, the sky really opened up.  Out came umbrellas and jackets and in went the sidewalk cafe tables.

Once serious thunder and lightning passed and the rained slowed to light showers, I took out the trash and took a short walk.  The sidewalks were empty of diners but lots of people out walking or dashing from restaurants to cabs, and the interiors of restaurants (which are usually empty) were jammed with people.  

The sun is supposed to come back tomorrow with temperatures most days next week headed back into the 90's -  I think tonight's quick shower just cleaned off the city streets and reminded folks that summer is ending and school starts on Monday.