Tuesday, September 4, 2018

September 4 - Spanish, Spanish, Spanish

This morning, I worked on some Spanish listening exercises.  Then, I studied some verb conjugations.  Then, I worked on some things from yesterday's class.  Then we made quick trip to the store and I made lunch.  Then some more Spanish review and off to class.

On my first day of Spanish class there were seven students.  One student moved to a morning class after one day and then left Spain after my first week, also after my first week, the student from France left, then after a couple of weeks the student from London left, after another couple of weeks the student from South Korea left, last week was the last week for the male student from Wales, and today was the last day for the female student from Wales as she moves on to London to go to university.  So, I am the last one remaining from the original seven.  Of course there have been lots of new students in and out so we are back up to six, but it was still a little sad after seven and a half weeks together to see the last one from our original group go.

After class, I went to intercambio for about an hour and a half and finally I am home. 

I am very slow at learning this new language.  My grammar is pretty good and my vocabulary is improving, but training my ear is SLOW time consuming work.  I may not be as young or have as much natural language learning aptitude as many of my classmates, but I don't give up easily.....