Wednesday, September 19, 2018

September 19 - Tour Reprise

Every Wednesday, our school offers a tour for the students.  It is usually in the middle of the day, and I don't go.  A few weeks ago, they moved it to a Monday night (because the normal tour guide was on vacation) with one of the professors, and I went.  I really enjoyed it.

Today, for no really good reason, I decided to leave home early and go on this weeks tour.  So, at 1:25, I left for school.  In a funny turn of events, the tour guide called in sick today, and one of the professors stepped in to give the tour.  Having never given a tour before, she used the other professors notes and route, and I basically got the same tour from a different guide.  So, I didn't get to see any new places, BUT I was able to follow basically all of the commentary this time and we had a really small group (me and two other students) - so it was almost two hours of pre-class language practice.   Also, after two runs, I am prepared to give the tour to anyone who comes to visit - maybe not in Spanish yet though.

After the tour, I returned to the school.  I still had a little time before class, so I spent a few minutes enjoying the sunshine on a bench across from the school. 

Here is the cafe where I usually go during the class break to either have a diet coke or a glass of water with classmates.  It is nice to be able to practice some slow casual Spanish during the break.
From my bench, I had a good view of the balcony of my school.  The school only uses part of one floor of the building and is carved up into sort of unnatural classroom spaces, but it is clean and bright.  The green banner marks the school's space.
Today there were three students in my class, one who had been in class on Monday, one who hadn't been in class since Friday, and me.  The young woman from class yesterday was not there today.  It is kind of a funny class.  I am the only one in the "right" class, all of these other "irregulars" are higher level students that drop in for a day or a few days to review some topic.  So, even though I am the only one that is there every day - things keep moving without having to catch anybody up because they have all see this before...and I don't have to feel bad about being slow because they can go to their own class if they want to go faster.
Teacher and Student