Sunday, September 16, 2018

September 16 - Yet another park and a bubble

It is Sunday and that means laundry, cooking, Spanish, and a long walk.  Today  I made enough chili that we could freeze some for the coming weeks.

The sun was back again today with temps in the low 90's.  I headed north to a park in the Macarena neighborhood.  It has a nice tower at one corner and a large fountain in the center. 
It is a pretty small park, but there were lots of families taking advantage of the lovely Sunday weather.

Then, I walked south through the city to the bus station for the city buses.  I had been to the bus station for long distance buses (the buses that run between cities) a number of times, but I hadn't been to this station that is run by the local (city) bus company.  I was in search of a physical copy of the route map that has all of the Sevilla city bus routes.  I have an online copy, but I was hoping for a large print copy that I could spread out on our table.  Sadly, no luck.

On my way home, I noticed this large bubble theater that had been erected on the front grounds of one of the University of Sevilla buildings.  I am not sure if it is for the Flamenco Bieneal or not, but there was a large wood floor in the middle that looks like the stages that Flamenco dancers perform on.
Not to worry if you want to see Flamenco and don't have tickets though.  Pretty much every evening you can find a group performing for tips downtown with their own portable dance floor - of course if you want the bubble experience, you will need a ticket.
Tomorrow, we are going to one of the old theaters near the Plaza de Espana to see a Flamenco guitar concert - our one ticket purchase from the Flamenco Bieneal.