Friday, September 21, 2018

September 21 - Private Class

Including me - in my class - Monday, Wednesday, Thursday 3 students; Tuesday 2 students.  Today it finally happened - just me.  Yes, three hours of intensive Spanish class with only one student.

I am not sure if it was harder on me or the poor teacher.

After the first half of class, I decided a trip alone to the grocery store to buy a piece of fruit was better than a trip to the cafe.  It took everything I had not to snag some American chocolate snacks (M&M's, twix, snickers...).  Staying away from the free samples was easier - mostly because I couldn't figure out exactly what was in the cups....some kind of gluten free bar with an almond base.
The second half of class was as intense as the first, and by the time the clock hit 7:30, I was ready to head home, and the teacher may have gone directly to the closest bar to drink away the last few hours.  

I did stop for a minute on the bridge to enjoy  a passing boat...
Then home for an early dinner.  Normally Albert and I would go out because it is Friday, but with our trip to Madrid on Sunday (in preparation for Albert's trip back to the states), we figured that we could save our "eating out" night until then.  It worked out well, since I was ready to put on my PJ's and call it a night.

Tomorrow, hopefully Fine Art Museum - Take 2.