Saturday, September 8, 2018

September 8 - My Favorite Square

Today was downright cool.  Albert even broke out the long pants.... don't worry, I am still a long way from that.  We did our trip to the market and spent a quiet day around the house most of the day.

I did go out for a nice walk this afternoon and stopped in at a couple of my favorite places - and a couple of new places.

To get to my favorite square, you start on a regular street.
Tucked in next to a bank, is a passageway...
That leads back into my favorite square.

After leaving the square, I found a few fun things along my walk.  A statue with a key...

A fancy car waiting for a bride and groom...

Some cool narrow streets with views of the cloudy sky...

And lots of convents.  Many convents in Sevilla make sweets and sell them to support the convent.  Since some have rules preventing the members of the order to have direct contact with people outside the order, they sell the sweets through rotating lazy susan doors where you put money in and rotate it around and they exchange the money for sweets and rotate the sweets out to you.  Of course, many orders are more liberal now and can sell you their goods face to face out of a small door.

And a couple of churches - bells ringing - people heading in for Saturday evening mass.