Monday, September 24, 2018

September 24 - Home Alone

This morning, Albert and I checked out of our hotel in Madrid after a quick trip.  Albert left first on what turned out to be the biggest hotel shuttle I have ever seen.  It was tasked with dropping off all of the passengers who were going to terminal 4 - the international terminal.  A smaller (more traditional looking) hotel shuttle took the rest of the folks to the other terminals. 
After Albert was tucked safely on the bus, I made my way back downtown to the train station via Metro.  I had a little time and did a little walking around the train station.  There was a TV interview going on in the parking lot below the walkway.
Some beautiful buildings, statues and fountains around the train station,
and of course the train station itself.
The inside of the station also has some beautiful spaces, like this interior courtyard full of plants and trees.  I know that there is a memorial somewhere in the station for the people killed in the 2004 Madrid train bombings, but I couldn't find it.  

After making it through security and the boarding lines, I settled in to reverse my trip from yesterday - literally reversing - my seat faced backwards. 

After an uneventful trip, I walked from the train station to the small grocery store next to my school to get a snack before class.  Then to school - my class is back up to 3 students.

It was over 100 degrees here this afternoon.  Although I was warm on my walk from the train station to school and from school to home with my weekend backpack full of school stuff, clothes, computer, ...At least I was not headed out for a photo op in a wedding dress in 100 degree weather - YIKES!
After school, I went pretty much straight home where I unpacked, had a quick dinner, did some Spanish and talked to Albert (who has safely arrived at Rachel's house after a long day of travel).  
The bar across the street is not open tonight and the building is quiet - maybe an early night for me.  It is kind of weird to think that I am an ocean away from everyone in my family.  So begins my week of "Home Alone".