Saturday, October 13, 2018

October 13 - In the neighborhood

For about a month, there has been a large photo exhibit along one of the main streets in Triana celebrating Flamenco.  Last week, the photos were changed out for photos celebrating the 600th anniversary of the foundation of the Brotherhood of the Esperanza of Triana.  The most interesting thing to me about the photos is the size of the crowd (in the photo on the bottom right) - people shoulder to shoulder as far as the eye can see....

We did our regular Saturday shopping today, but I also went to a couple of extra stores.  I now know where to find everything I need to make oatmeal, raisin, chocolate chunk cookies - unfortunately there is no single store that I have found that has everything - but now I am ready to bake tomorrow.  Today I just made BLT's for lunch and Tikki Masala for dinner (for Albert that is, I had leftover stir fry - I do not understand the appeal of Indian spices.)

On my way to one of the stores, I passed the stand at the end of the bridge that sells churros and chocolate, it always looks good and one time I am actually going to give in and stop.  I am not sure that I will have photo evidence when I do because they smell so good and I may not stop to snap.  This guy has some amazing self control.  How is he not face planted in that plate of churros?

I also passed this scene that is NOT typical Spain.  A woman in white pants and hot pink blazer and  stilettos is fixing the tire on her motor bike while the guy she is with sits on the bike watching....

Finally after a few miles of walking and a few stores, I have all of my ingredients.  However, I did stop to wonder about whether it makes sense to do all of this shopping and "creative" baking now that the holiday cookie displays have started to show up in even the small grocery stores.  For me though, nothing can replace warm from the oven, sweet smelling,  American style cookies  - so for now, I will keep shopping and baking....