Sunday, October 21, 2018

October 21 - Sticky Buns

It is supposed to warm up again tomorrow, but today was still a little cool for my taste.  So, what better way to battle the cool weather than baking.  Today's experiment was sticky buns - cinnamon buns with a homemade caramel topping.  I almost never have the ingredients for a single recipe that I can find on the web, and today was no different.  But, piecing together ideas from a few different sources and then using some of my own kitchen sense, I was able to come up with a tasty result.
I didn't even get a picture before one was missing...mmmm.  Since I don't have a mixer or even a rolling pin, I will probably never do more than a half dozen or so at a time.  Of course, with just the two of us, I probably shouldn't do more than two at a time.  

The rest of the day was spent doing laundry and Spanish and taking a walk down by the river.  Then, for dinner, we headed out to a Mexican restaurant that I went to while Albert was in the US.  As before, it was tasty.  

On the way home we stopped at the Farmacia.  I have been battling some chest congestion, and last night I took the last Mucinex that I brought from home.  You cannot buy anything stronger than shampoo here without going to the pharmacy, so it was time for a visit.  You can get many things from the pharmacy without a prescription, but not without talking to the pharmacist.  That is, you cannot browse an isle full of cold remedies and pick the one you are interested in, instead you need to describe your symptoms to the pharmacist (No HIPPA here folks.) who will then give you something for the symptoms you describe.  I didn't get exactly what I hoped for, but I did get something close.  So, we will see if the pharmacist knows best.