Saturday, October 20, 2018

October 20 - Wet Walk

Of course the regular shopping, cooking, and a little Spanish today.  It started raining just as we were heading out to the store and then with only a few breaks it rained all afternoon and evening.

This afternoon, I was ready for my afternoon walk and only a light rain was falling, so I put on a water resistant jacket and headed out.  I headed in to center city.  On my way, I passed a guy in a bucket truck.  I assume he was fixing a down wire (or maybe stealing cable).  But, he kept yanking at the wire that was stuck in a tree across the street - I didn't stop to watch - I felt like safety was pretty low on his priority list.
I headed down to the square near my school where I had seen the tents yesterday.  It turns out that it was a "fair" with booths representing the many Catholic social justice groups in Sevilla.  One group focuses on hunger.  Another on child labor....  I didn't really engage with anyone in the tents - so I am not sure exactly what the idea was - raising awareness, money, volunteers,...  But, I was impressed that there were so many different groups.   As you might imagine, this was not a big tourist draw and the weather was not great - alas there were not many people except the ones manning the tents.

After the square, I headed down Constitucion Ave.  Even with the dark sky, it is a beautiful walk.

One of the large stores (FNAC) has a photo exhibit on the side of the building.  Like lots of other folks, I stopped to check out the photos (some of them are really beautiful), and of course if even a fraction of us who stopped to look and snap a photo decide to post our photos, it will be a LOT of free advertising for the store since the name of the store is front and center in the exhibit.

Further down the street, the area was filled with smoke from the guy selling chestnuts roasting on an open fire.  

If a more "American" treat is more your style, you could always have a special for Halloween "Monster Donut" from Dunkin'.

By the time I made the turn and started heading for home, the rain had piked up.  By the time I made it half way home the sky had opened up and the thunder started.  Luckily it was warm out, because I was absolutely drenched by the time I got back to our bridge.  As I headed down the street toward home, I noticed that even the cow had an umbrella.

Supposed to be less of a chance of rain tomorrow - hopefully can go down to the river and see some boat races.