Wednesday, October 17, 2018

October 17 - A Tour

Another good morning of class.  My teacher is studying to take an English proficiency exam on Saturday, so we are going to meet for an hour tomorrow morning before class to practice English.  She is great and has gone out of her way to include Albert in the cultural activities each week, so it is nice to be able to help her out a little.

After class, I went on the walking tour.  There were a total of three students, and we had a really fun tour.  Luckily the three of us have similar listening levels, so the tour leader was able to basically walk and talk at our speed/level for the whole hour and a half.  It is much harder on the guide when there is a large heterogeneous group.  On the down side, I spent so much time listening, I didn't take many pictures. 

At one point, I did look up - the blue sky was really magnificent today.  When I looked up, a dog on a high balcony was looking back. 
Our guide claimed that this was the oldest fountain in Sevilla - but I think there are lots of caveats like.... oldest public fountain that was actually used as a water supply... or something. I do know that it doesn't have any water now...

In addition to the historical and artistic commentary, our guide pointed out a number of interesting restaurants (both good and bad in his opinion).  This one, he really liked.  Here, I did snap a picture so that I could try to remember it and come back with Albert.

This afternoon, I spent some more time working on Spanish.  My grammar is strong (not surprising since studying grammar is similar to studying mathematics); my vocabulary is improving and my listening and speaking are improving at a "turtle in peanut butter" pace.  I know that it is taking hundreds of hours for me to learn what some can learn in much fewer - but this is the best that my 50 year old brain can do.   And, I am really enjoying it.