Friday, October 19, 2018

October 19 - Sour Cream?

Went in early today to do a quick English review with my teacher before class - then lots of Spanish!  The rain didn't materialize today, so the walk to and from school was much more pleasant today.

On the way home, one of the squares was filled with tents, but the area was roped off and there were no signs that I could find - maybe I will try to walk through tomorrow and see what I can see.

When I got home from school, I spent a short time working with Emily helping her get checked in for her flights back to the US.  She has been in Ethiopia this week and her superslow internet was making online check-in hard.  Thankfully, we have great internet here.   As I type, her flight is just leaving Ethiopia and in something like 30 short hours, she should be home.

Is was a relatively light shopping day, but Albert and I did visit two stores trying to find something like sour cream (or Nata Agria), but no real luck.  I did find a product that translated directly is "fresh cheese smoothie" or "whipped fresh cheese" which may work.  If not, I do know where to find cooking cream and lemon juice - so I will just make my own.

Early in the week, we bought a small (half loaf?) of bread to make BLATs (Bacon, Lettuce, Avocado, Tomato sandwiches).  Not wanting the last pieces to go to waste, today I made some grilled cheese sandwiches.  Yesterday when it was cold and rainy probably would have been a better day for warm comforting grilled cheese, but alas.

Since I didn't have lunch until nearly 5pm, we are going to wait until tomorrow to try our another restaurant for dinner.  Tomorrow there is also some boat racing on the river, hopefully the weather is like today and not like yesterday!