Monday, October 22, 2018

October 22 - New Jeans for Albert

Class this morning was fun.  We did a listening exercise and I was pleasantly surprised to find that at the end of the recording, I actually had understood the speaker.  Of course his Spanish was pretty slow and his grammar was good, but that has not always helped me in the past.  I love small signs of progress. 

Today we were reviewing imperatives (commands).  One popular place for imperatives to pop up is in recipes (Wash the lettuce, Beat the eggs, Add the sugar...)  Our homework was to take a favorite recipe and write it in Spanish to practice with imperatives.  While trying to decide on a favorite recipe, I came across a recipe for vanilla extract... if you could call it a recipe.  I have not had very good luck with vanilla here so far, but I do know where to get vodka and vanilla beans - so perhaps I will start some this week.  Since it takes about 6 weeks, if I started now, I would have some for my Christmas cooking.

After class, instead of going to our regular grocery store, I met Albert at the Primark so he could buy a new pair of jeans.  I never actually saw him in the jeans - so I only have a picture of the outside of the fitting room.

After Primark, we tried out the grocery store at the end of the mall.  It wasn't good for us, so we only bought a couple of rolls, and headed home.  While Albert was in class, I made some Italian sausage for tonight's pizza and went out to our regular store to pick up the rest of the things on my list.  Then I made pizza for dinner tonight and the red sauce for tomorrow's ravioli.  

Tonight, a little Spanish and some reading and an early bedtime.