Tuesday, October 16, 2018

October 16 - Brrrrr

With the weather today not getting out of the 70's and getting down to 69 by the time I had intercambio tonight, I was forced to dig out a shirt with sleeves.  I am currently posting two photos - one shows how I feel about being in this lovely city with Albert and learning Spanish, and the other shows how I feel about needing a shirt with sleeves.  Hint the one on the right is the one about the shirt!  I miss summer already.

With cooler temps, I was inspired to make soup.  So today, I improvised a slightly spicy (well only spicy by my standards because I am a wimp) chicken tortilla soup.  It was good and now we have some new leftovers to add to the list.

Class was good today, but it was weird to have class and then go home and then go back out for intercambio - I used to go straight from class.  It was nice because I wasn't as tired when I got there, but it did take me a little while to switch back in to Spanish mode.

The guys have started to look a little more serious with the work on the building - but they are clearly not going for any speed records.  Luckily, they do not interfere with our day to day lives much at all.  Of course with almost all of the work being exposed to the outside, weather may be a factor.  Luckily Sevilla doesn't get too much rain.  It averages around 50 or so rainy days a year (yep more than 300 days of sunshine each year) but those rainy days are concentrated between October and April.  So, we will see.